About Our Affiliate Program
Promote Our Links on your website/App/Social Account
अपनी वेबसाइट/ऐप/सामाजिक खाते पर हमारे लिंक का प्रचार करें
When the product is purchased by the customer
जब ग्राहको दवारा प्रोडक्ट खरीद लिया जाये
You Earn Commission
आप कमीशन कमाते हैं
Welcome to the Together Books Distributor Affiliate Program Books category is the most sold category in the world because most of the customers like to read books.
Many people want to start their business but due to lack of knowledge, money and most of the reasons they are not able to start business but with the help of our affiliate program you can start your business sitting at home on zero investment, just our website By copy-pasting and promoting the link, you can earn commission sitting at home.
Types Of Program
Direct Join As A Affiliate Partner
Direct Join As A Reseller Partner
Act Like a Owner
1) Direct Join As A Affiliate Partner
- If you want to join our affiliate program then you have to contact us
- We will provide you a coupon code, you will have to share that coupon on your website, app, social account, your customer will have to use that coupon code
- You will get your commission in 7 days as soon as the customer purchases the books using the coupon.
A) Term And Conditions
- Minimum cart value should be 99 rs (no commission if book price Less than 99 rs )
- Your coupon code should be used by the customer
- The order must be completed and not refunded by the customer.
- We may modify any of the terms and conditions contained in this agreement at any time and with our sole discretion
B) Payment
- We Are Offering Total 5% (1 % Customer Discount + 4% Affiliate Partner ) Commission > Example suppose Books Selling Price 5000 rs So customer will get 1% 50 rs Discount and affiliate partner will get 200 rs and if daily normal 5 such orders also come then you will get 200*5 = 1000 commission Only Just Promote Our link.
- Payment Will Be Transferred To The Affiliate Partner Within 7 Days (7 Days Calculated After The Order Is Delivered)
- Minimum Total Commission Amount Transfer To Affiliate Partner Should Be 300
- Payment Will Be Made Through Direct Bank Transfer / Upi / Paytm / PhonePe / Google Pay
C) Benefit Connect With Us
- offering more than 20 million books And We are Supply all Types Of Books
- Amount transfer to affiliate partner’s account within 7 days
- Multiple option For Get Commission Amount Like Direct Bank Transfer / Upi / Paytm / PhonePe / Google Pay
- Only copy and paste work is done, all we will do like dispatching books, if there is any problem then managing it.
- we are offering Different Types of offer to customer For Books Our Sales > Free shipping (order value above499) / 14 days easy refund , replacement policy / 24*7 Support / 100% Safe & Secure payment & Customer Detail / Best Discount Comparison with other online, offline Store
2) Direct Join As A Reseller Partner
In Reseller Partner Program we will provide you stock on daily or weekly basis which will have information about discount, stock, author, publisher, ISBN
With this data you can do sales by adding margin on Books book Example we give you Books MRP 1000 rs @ 30% discount so amount is 1000*30%=700 then you can give direct 20% discount to your customer on 1000*20%=800 then your profit will be 800-700 = 100 rs
Then you will give us the details of that customer, we will sell the books to them directly, that too at the price that you have taken from the customer, if you want, we will courier the customer along with the name of your company.
3) Act Like A Owner
In Act Like A Program we will provide you stock on daily or weekly basis which will have information about discount, stock, author, publisher, ISBN
With this data you can do direct book sales with your margin to your customers by purchasing the book from us.